Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Josef Sudek

Many people don't know about Sudek, but thanks to Ken Merfeld  I was introduced to his work.  He's an amazing architectural, still life and landscape photographer who did his most notable work in the 1920's in Prague.  He shot large format black and white, with only one arm as his right arm was injured and later amputated in WWI.

Some of his work:

The man:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Every journey begins with a single step, so to this blog begins with it's very first intro post.

About me: My name is Roman Krajewski and I am a professional photographer and cinematographer based out of the greater Los Angeles area. I enjoy practicing in all areas of photography with specialization in sports and environmental portraits and 3D photography/film making.

I will graduate in December from The Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. with a BFA in Photography. My website is currently under construction and will be posted soon, but until then, prepare yourself for a random assault of thoughts and musings until work starts to flow through this medium.

Questions welcome,

--Roman Krajewski